LHH – Lee Hecht Harrison
case study

The challenge: how did we harness the enthusiasm of the company’s staff to create a meaningful brand?

LHH logo

Looking for direction

Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) was a global talent development and career transition firm that arrived in the UK like a lost child: its employees loved it, yet it lacked a true identity of its own. Yet in just two weeks, Happy Giraffe channelled LHH employees’ commitment to build a meaningful brand that beamed with emotional connectivity.

LHH poster


We undertook competitor analysis and set about getting feedback on the existing brand from LHH customers and staff. This exercise helped us fully understand the business objectives, the eagerness that staff brought to working at LHH and the impact they had on the businesses they worked with.

LHH icons
LHH strapline

Talent is our world

This passion, dynamism and caring approach was crying out to be given life in the new brand, and was summed up in the strapline Talent is our World.

This captured the nurturing essence of the brand and guided the look and feel of the work.

A matter of fact

We also wanted to ensure that the impact of LHH’s services was clearly articulated. So soft colours, rounded fonts and a thoughtful tone of voice were paired with BIG facts and figures to hammer home the key points.

A selection of abstract images and statements were used to draw potential clients into the brand and to then demonstrate the impact that services had on both the individual and the organisation they work in.

LHH brochure
LHH brochure
LHH brochure
LHH responsive layout

Responsive blogging

To give voice to the new brand, we worked with LHH to develop a responsive blog on a fully integrated platform that allowed them to get their views and personality out to the wider world.

LHH poster
LHH brochure
LHH brochure
LHH brochure
LHH brochure

The result

A connected brand fuelled by personality and love, which boosted staff morale and helped to contribute to the company’s best month yet.

LHH stationery
LHH space
LHH space
LHH space

More Happy Giraffe case studies